Recipe for Chocolate Crepes With Whipped Cream And Strawberries from the Nutella section.
Chocolate Crepes with Whipped Cream and StrawberriesMakes 6 (12-inch( crepes Chocolate Crepes 1 pint fresh washed strawberries Nutella Creamy peanut butter Low fat whipped topping Maple syrup Top and quarter strawberries for filling leaving 6 whole untopped strawberries for garnish. Mix strawberry quarters with 2 cups whipped topping. With second side of crepe down, apply a thin strip of peanut butter about three inches from bottom edge of crepe. Apply a strip of Nutella along the peanut butter. Apply a strip of maple syrup. Apply 4 tablespoons of whipped topping/strawberry mixture. Roll up crepe. Put two filled crepes on a plate. Apply topping of three half strawberries and whipped topping.
We hope you enjoy your freshly made Chocolate Crepes With Whipped Cream And Strawberries. This recipe came from Nutella's, if you'd liked this recipe, there may be many others you'll find delicious as well.