Pennsylvania Dutch Stewed Crackers - Pennsylvania Dutch Recipes - Recipes for Pennsylvania Dutch

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Recipe for Pennsylvania Dutch Stewed Crackers from the Pennsylvania Dutch section.

Pennsylvania Dutch Stewed Crackers

Posted by philocrates at 6/19/01 6:03:27 am

Source: PA Dutch List Archive at Roots Web [email list]

2 tablespoons butter
2 eggs
Salt and pepper
Jelly (optional)
Crackers [as many as you want or don't. Make to your
    consistency try about 10 to 15 to start - that is what I use.]

Prepare Stewed Crackers. Turn into a skillet that has the butter melted in it. Beat the eggs just slightly with a fork, then pour over the crackers. Season lightly and turn. When eggs are cooked, serve with jelly on top of crackers.

We hope you enjoy your freshly made Pennsylvania Dutch Stewed Crackers. This recipe came from Pennsylvania Dutch's, if you'd liked this recipe, there may be many others you'll find delicious as well.
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