Recipe for Watermelon Pickles from the Preserving section.
Watermelon Pickles2 pounds watermelon rind, peeled and cubed 1/4 cup pickling salt (not iodized) 6 cups water 1 teaspoon powdered alum 4 cups granulated sugar 1 lemon, thinly sliced 1 stick cinnamon 12 whole cloves 1 teaspoon allspice When peeling rind, be sure to leave some of the pink meat on. Make a brine with salt, 4 cups water and alum. Soak rind in this mixture overnight. Drain, rinse and cook slowly in water until barely tender. Do not overcook or pickles will be soft. Drain. Bring to boil 2 cups water, vinegar, sugar, lemon and spices which have been tied in a cloth bag. Remove spice bag and pour hot syrup over rind. Let sit overnight. Drain and reheat syrup for three mornings and pour over rind. On the fourth morning, drain and reheat syrup and pour over rind which has been packed into sterilized 3 pint or 6 half-pint jars. Seal.
We hope you enjoy your freshly made Watermelon Pickles. This recipe came from Preserving's, if you'd liked this recipe, there may be many others you'll find delicious as well.