Recipe for Orange Fudge from the Southwestern section.
Orange Fudge3 cups granulated sugar, dividedd 1/4 cup boiling water 1 cup nondairy liquid cream 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 teaspoons grated orange rind 1 cup chopped nuts Melt 1 cup sugar, stirring constantly. Add boiling water, stirring to mix. Add remaining sugar, cream and salt. Cook over medium heat until the mixture boils. Cook to 280 degrees F on a candy thermometer WITHOUT stirring. Cool to lukewarm. Beat until it loses its gloss and holds its shape. Fold in orange rind and nuts. Spread in a buttered 8-inch square pan.
We hope you enjoy your freshly made Orange Fudge. This recipe came from Southwestern's, if you'd liked this recipe, there may be many others you'll find delicious as well.