Recipe for Lemon Pie from the Southwestern section.
Lemon Pie1 cup granulated sugar 5 tablespoons mixed flour and cornstarch 1/4 teaspoon salt 5 tablespoons fresh lemon juice 2 egg yolks 2 cups boiling water Mix flour, cornstarch, salt and sugar together. Add lemon juice, then egg yolks. Then add boiling water and stir until smooth, cooking over high heat until thick. Pour into a 9-inch baked pastry shell. Beat egg whites with 2 tablespoons sugar to make a meringue. Cover pie to the edges of crust and put into a 300 degree F oven until peaks are brown.
We hope you enjoy your freshly made Lemon Pie. This recipe came from Southwestern's, if you'd liked this recipe, there may be many others you'll find delicious as well.